Finding a partner to port your game

When we discussed budgeting, we explained the concept of opportunity cost. You can’t do everything yourself, because your time is limited. Sometimes ...

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The right time to pitch to publishers

Pitching your game to publishers is not unlike the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You need to find the time in your development cycle that is just ...

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Getting paid by publishers

Congratulations! The prototype you’ve been working on has impressed a publisher and they want to fund your next game. You’ve already thought about your ...

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Why gamers don’t fully understand alpha and beta tests

There was a time not that long ago, when end-user access to beta tests was uncommon. In the days of physical media, players typically applied online and hoped ...

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Game cloning: Protecting yourself from theft

There are few things more disheartening than having your brilliant game design stolen. Game cloning (the unscrupulous process of copying the core mechanics and ...

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Four things you might forget before you launch your game

When you start getting closer to your game’s launch, your life is going to be consumed with bug squashing and polishing. It’s easy to get so focused on ...

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Digital supplements available now

As part of our work on The GameDev Business Handbook, we realized that our budgeting lesson needed to be interactive. Static samples and templates don’t do ...

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4 ways to be a better founder

There is something magical about being the founder of a business. Building your studio from the ground up is something to take pride in. You’ve poured your ...

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Getting hitched: Finding the right business partner

During many of our discussions with developers for The GameDev Business Handbook, the conversation turned to finding the right business partner. The first step ...

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Employment can build some pretty great teams

Employment: Hiring is expensive, so do it right the first time

In our last post, we talked about the difference between contractors and employees. Making sure someone is classified properly can save you from making a ...

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